Loss of life Word is a Japanese manga sequence written and illustrated by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata that facilities round Gentle Yagami, a high-school eighteen-year-old who discovers a supernatural pocket book that may kill anybody whose face he is aware of. The Loss of life Word manga has been tailored into an anime sequence, a reside motion movie, video video games and numerous manga spin-offs together with the favored Danganronpa Visible Novel sequence.
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Extra particulars about Loss of life Word Tank Tops - Mello (Sketch) Poster Tank Prime RB1908 Loss of life Word Tank Tops
Essential for each fan of the Loss of life Word sequence. Is available in quite a lot of totally different types, colours and sizes.
I love the feel of this fabric, very smooth.
True to size and very comfortable. My go-to Death Note tank!
Stylish and comfy Death Note tank top! Goes well with everything.
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